China Four Seasons Life

2024 Updates

We’d like to update you on how 2024 has been progressing.

This year‘s kickoff began with another successful China Lake Ice Fishing Derby in February. In March, we participated in a fantastic Sportsman’s Show, where we sold gun raffle tickets and had the opportunity to connect with many of you, which was greatly appreciated.

This Spring, we made some improvements to the docks, and we believe we’ve finally settled on a permanent configuration that the boat owners seem to be enjoying.

Our efforts to enhance the trails have been ongoing, including some recent necessary emergency repairs. We are grateful to the volunteers who quickly jumped into action and worked as a team to get the jobs completed. We hope you’ve had the chance to explore the trail system and enjoy the upgrades.

This year’s swimming lessons at the club were a hit with the kids, and each student received a new life jacket at the end of the program.

In August, we drew the gun raffle winners, who have been notified to collect their prizes from the dealer. While we didn’t sell all the tickets this year, the results were still positive.

Finally, a reminder: our September meeting is our annual business meeting, where we’ll discuss financials and hold elections. If you’re interested in volunteering (we could always use more volunteers!) or running for an officer position, we’d love to have you join us on September 12th at 6:30 PM.

Thank you all!
Tom Rumpf
China Four Seasons Club President

The CMPS Trail Fund

The CMPS Trail Fund has been set up to provide financial assistance and community awareness for local ATV clubs in central & western Maine. The mission of these non-profit ATV clubs is to maintain local ORV trails; Trail maintenance includes erosion control, trail signage/safety, bridge repair or replacement, community outreach, community fundraisers, and local law enforcement.
Club responsibilities also include Land owner relations for continued use of the 90% of trails on private property. The multi-club membership program will promote local clubs, ORV awareness, and attract new club members; including potential volunteers to assist with the club’s “mission”. CMPF was started by Craig Anderson of Central Maine Powersports. Click here for their Facebook page.

Summer Life at the Beach.

Enjoy membership benefits like events at our clubhouse on China Lake, full access to our private beach and dock, and use the launch points for your car-top kayak or canoe. Plus, park and ride at the clubhouse giving you great access to the maintained ATV trail system.

Winter Life at the Beach

When we say “four seasons of club membership benefits” we mean it! In the Winter, the beach gives great ice shack access, you can join in on the club fishing derby, participate in indoor events at the Clubhouse, and have access to groomed snowmobile trails.